What’s Inspiring Me

These days I am spending a lot of time on instagram, since it’s a convenient one-handed thing to do while breastfeeding. The content that I’m consuming is a mix of funny parenting reels, sewing, sourdough and high-protein recipes. Since I’m not doing enough sewing to have anything to share, here are 5 things that are currently inspiring me:

  1. @shesewsseams on instagram – she takes things that she buys from a dollar store and make really amazing sewing projects out of them. This is so fun and inspiring, and a good way to do some sewing on a budget. I worked at a Dollarama in High School and it has held a special place in my heart ever since, so I would really love to give some of these projects a try!
  2. Seamwork – I have been a subscriber for a few years now, and the list of things I want to sew from their pattern library is starting to look ridiculous it’s so long. I’m loving cropped, loose shirts for breastfeeding lately, so I think I might make a Bo top next so that I can have a quick win.
  3. Sourdough – I don’t really have any specific instagram accounts or websites to recommend yet because I haven’t made a completely successful sourdough loaf. I am really loving getting into sourdough and the sourdough process though – sometimes I don’t have a lot to talk to people about because I spend almost all of my time with my kids. Getting into my sewing room is difficult, but since I need to spend so much time in my kitchen anyway, sourdough can fit nicely into my schedule.
  4. AI and Entrepreneurship podcasts – my latest favourite is the June 20th episode of “AI & I” about building a company that leverages AI both to build it and as a product. I am hoping one day to venture into earning money outside of my day job, and since I am not in a place where I want to put in the work right now, I’m enjoying learning about all the different avenues I can take.
  5. The Great British Sewing Bee – while I would never thrive in that sort of environment (in part because I would hate the second challenge every week), the things that they come up with in such a short amount of time are amazing and make me want to dedicate a chunk of time to make something cool.

I would love to hear what’s inspiring you, and if there is as much variety as what is inspiring me.


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